Friday, August 15, 2008

Good luck with that

Joe Lee Dunn said that he will play 11 men on defense if that's what it takes to get results.

Last year, the Aggie defense actually rotated players on a regular basis, particularly on the defensive line, where they felt they were deep. We all saw how that worked out.

So this season there is a different approach, as Dunn will put on the field who he thinks has the talent to get the job done. In the end, this could be tough. You need depth in football, it is so physically taxing and the punishment can be unreal. Players wear down and get injured if you don't have proper reinforcements coming off the bench.

Dunn will look high and low to get an improved unit out on the field. Competing with a limited number of players may work initially, but in the long haul? I think it will be extremely hard. Fatigue and injuries will likely set in. And if he doesn't think the backups are worthy for field time, he might not have much of a choice at that point.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure JL Dunn uses this as a motivational effort but your right, good luck with that.

He's gotta play 11 men, ready or not!
An injury or two and here come the subs.

Let's hope the kids are ahead of the learnng curve and the injury bug don't bite!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:59. Just sounds like a motivational tool to me.